Saturday 29 July 2017

on my chest

I love holding you in the carrier. Pretty much every day you spend a good chunk of time there. Wirh you I took a full parental leave and so have had a ton of time to be home and with you. We cut the grass, cut bushes, cook. 


Now you are getting a bit more active and strong so you like to grab things that are not the best to grab. Like in the morning when you sit in my lap you keep grabbing my bowl and nearly dumping the contents. 
I love having you so cuddly and close! Love papa 

Wednesday 19 July 2017

almost crawling

You have been able to roll both sides and go on your fours, also Da mi ya taught you how to go from on your tummy to sitting and you have been doing that ever since.  Sometimes when you are sleeping on your tummy, you would get stuck in the half sitting position with your hands supporting your body and cry out to call me.  I would go rescue you.

Mama's girl

This week you started making strange and whenever you see me you wanted me.  It was so cute to see you have this pouty face. Crying and kinda saying meamea.  At 6 mouth and a half you are making strange now.

playing by yourself

Here you are sitting and playing all by yourself! 


Sometimes you would have this little growl when you are having fun.

Thursday 13 July 2017

sitting all by yourself

So fun to see you learn to sit all by yourself now. We are with the Watts renting a cottage. So fun to see you play, chew and grab stuff. You just learned to sit alone this last week or so.