Sunday 4 March 2018

Words you are saying

You have been saying a lot more words lately.
You were speed to the bathroom and saying “tee tee” meaning teeth teeth. You want to brush your teeth.
Today at faith family you said “moo” saying more water.
You can say baby very clearly.
Papa and mama, “genden” gentle, you can shake your head well to say no.
You wave bye and blow kisses. You can use the sign for thank you.
“Minah” Micah, “cado” avacado, “nainai” whenever you are picked up and you want nianai from mama.
Saying Hi when papa is on the phone.
You can stand on stools by the kitchen counter and you let us know when you don’t like something. Or when you want something. Such a fun stageyou are in. 14 month and counting.

Saturday 6 January 2018

You are one!

On your birthday you were getting over a virus.  Not yourself and requires a lot of empathy.  Poor you.  When we got to celebrate and eating dinner, you got better a bit.  You loved the cake part and opening presents.  You knew what to do.  Mama got you a handmade doll. Oma got you a baby wearing a sheep outfit and a pretty dress.  Dayima and Family got you usborne books and pretty outfits, pajama. You are loved!

On your birthday Elijah taught how to do high five.

A few words

You said “nai nai” today. Which means milk in Chinese.  When you wanted it. You have been able to shake your head when you don’t want something.  You have this sad cry when you want us to pick you up. It’s very cute.

When we ask you to give something to us you would often do so.

Sunday 19 November 2017

Oragami napkins

It was so fun to see your new chore being to set the table for dinner. You really don’t like emptying the dishwasher but you seem to be OK with doing the table. And since your recent Hobbe for the last year two has been making a lot of origami you even for the napkins and origami shapes. Pretty amazing and fun to see you proud of your creations.

Thursday 16 November 2017

Waving and words you can say

Emi woke up from her nap and said ge ge “Gia Gia”
Jie Jie “dei dei” then waved.

Sunday 22 October 2017

First fever

You had your first fever the past two days. It was 37.8 and didn't go up higher so we just waited out and you got better today.  You been having runny nose hopping you will get better soon.

9 month check up

you seems to be always easy going.  You didn’t mind when the nurse getting your head measured and moving your hips, listening to your lungs.  You are such a happy baby! We are blessed to have you.
Now you are 17.10lbs and 70cm tall, 35cm for your head!